

A beacon of hope for talented young hearts and minds with boundless dreams but limited economic means

Education is a powerful weapon to drive the growth of the individual, society and nation. India is a country with diverse social strata and economic background. In order to empower people from economically weaker sections, access to quality higher education needs to be provided. If we can identify the brightest students among the vulnerable sections of the society, nurture their talent through effective education, these young people in turn can provide further impetus to the progress of the society and national prosperity. Education can also strongly overcome the prevalent social issues like early marriage of girl child and economic insecurity among rural & urban women. 


This is the foundation on which Tapas and Saadhana have been created. Tapas and Saadhana are nation-building endeavours in the field of education that focus on enabling learning to the brightest among the needy sections of the society with the broader goal of empowering them.


Super 30 of Anand Kumar of Patna, Bihar is the inspiration behind Tapas. It is a highly ambitious, most successful and innovative educational program running under the banner of "Ramanujan School of Mathematics". It hunts for 30 meritorious talents from among the economically backward sections of the society and shapes them for India's most prestigious institution – the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). In the last several years, it has produced hundreds of IITians from extremely poor background. During this program, students are provided absolutely free coaching, lodging and food. Super 30 targets students from extremely poor families. 

Anand Kumar, a mathematics prodigy, was born in Chandipur Bela. Patna, He secured a place in Cambridge University but couldn’t attend because he had no money and sold papads in the evenings instead. He dealt with his own disappointment by setting up an innovative school in 2002 to prepare underprivileged students for the IIT JEE examination.