
Alumni Association

Tapas and Saadhana both have a very strong Alumni Association

Rashtrotthana seeks to reaffirm the notion that in today's interconnected global context, every individual is interdependent, and therefore, social empowerment directly or indirectly contributes to the empowerment of all human beings. This vision can be realized through the efforts of each learner, acting as a contributing citizen in their own small way, as well as through focused collective actions by teams and social groups. With this overarching objective, Tapas and Saadhana have well established platforms for their former students. The Alumni Association fosters an enduring connection with our alumni and cultivates a sense of responsible citizenship among its members and empowers them to act as catalysts for driving positive social change. We try to equip our alumni to embody and fulfil the institution's Vision and Mission. Alumni have access to updates and invitations to major events. They participate in an annual Alumni meet which provides a platform for sharing personal experiences and reminiscing. We have regular Seminars and interactive sessions featuring distinguished personalities and even short excursions aimed at strengthening the sense of unity among the members. Our Alumni are involved in various ways to give back to their Alma Mater. In essence, Tapas and Saadhana Alumni Associations are platforms that not only maintains ties of the former students with their Alma Mater but also endeavours to mould them into responsible citizens and agents of societal transformation. Through a range of engagement opportunities and activities, the organization strives to nurture a sense of unity, purpose, and positive influence among its members.

The students are connected in various ways like:
  • Mentoring current students
  • Educating and inspiring the younger students in their towns, villages, families and schools about Tapas and Saadhana and even training them to take the Entrance Exams
  • Contributing their time during the Selection camps, exam invigilation duties etc
  • The 7 batches of Tapas that are employed have started contributing monetarily to the projects